Филиал 1:
Fidokor (Chekhov) str, 32
Филиал 2:
(Smalto KIDS): 
C-6, Osiyo str, 88



SMALTO  KIDS - children's dentistry


C-6, Hurshid str. 88, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

 tel : +998 71 202 41 51

        +998 78 122 41 51 

Telegram–rounded Instagram–rounded Facebook–rounded



Smalto  - adult dentistry, diagnostic center, dental implantology, orthodontics,

Fidokor str. 32, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

tel.: +998 78 122 41 51

       +998 71 202 41 51      

Use telegram messenger to contact us:

Telegram–rounded Instagram–rounded Facebook–rounded

Leave a request for appointment
We will contact you shortly.
Date of Birth: *
Филиал 1:
Fidokor (Chekhov) str, 32
Филиал 2:
(dental kids):
c-6, Osiyo str, 88
If you still have any questions?
 Please feel free to ask them from our specialists or leave us request for an appointment